March 17

<![if !vml]><![endif]>Maryvale Church

  “Embracing Our Community with C.A.R.E

Christlike Actions that Restore and Encourage




Happy St Patrick’s Day. He was a missionary to Ireland. He ran to the need – not to comfort and safety. May we do the same.

We have been waiting to see how things were shaping up and CDC recommends that groups larger than 10 be cancelled. And although this might be overhyped, we do believe Christians should be respectful of the authorities over us. We believe they are acting in good faith to protect the public.

So, for more than any other reason – to honor authorities, we will cancel the Wednesday services this week.

For the Sunday services we are thinking of some creative ways to minister to one another. The normal Bible study and worship will not take place but we will be connecting and ministering in some other ways. We will keep you posted.

While hiking this morning – the sun was shining, birds were singing, flowers were glorious – And I prayed for each of you by name. While hiking, there was no panic was exhibited – all seemed normal.

But it seems like we are entering a new normal, for a while at least.

This past Sunday’s message reminded us that God says “Do not fear” or “do not be afraid”, 365 times in the bible – one for every day of the year. We are called to trust in the Lord and to fix our eyes on Jesus.

This morning I also thought about the 5 wise bridesmaids were prepared and 5 foolish bridesmaids were not prepared…… some people are prepared for emergencies with extra food and supplies …. and some are not and begin to panic because they have no reserves. This having food or no food can be applied to having Christ as Savior and being born again or not. When Christ returns for his own – the believers who trust in Christ for salvation – are prepared and ready. For those who are not – there will be no time to get ready. We are to be ready now. Repent. Now is the day of salvation.

Also, reflecting on the response of our government that seeks to flatten the rate of infection and their recommendation to cancel meetings – I thought that this is just a small taste of what many people experience in nations that have not enjoyed the freedom of assembly and the rights given to us as citizens. We often do not know how good we have had it until it is removed. We have been a blessed people. Many people around the world live in fear of their government – I believe we have elected officials who are seeking to provide protection.

We are not the first generation of believers to face uncertainty and turmoil – like believers in previous ages, do not be dismayed, do not be discouraged.

Spend time with God so that the peace of God might be alive in you.

Seek ways to serve one another.

Parents – during this time of no school – do not just plop your kids in front of the TV or phones – read to them. Have them read to you. Do basic math with them. The Bible says it is parents who are responsible for the education of their kids.

Also, pray much for this nation and for the elected officials as well as for your friends and family. Prayer changes things.

And take time to keep in touch with your church family. Take the church directory and pray for people and give them a call as well.


Douglas Leslie