
                   Maryvale Church

        “Embracing Our Community with C.A.R.E

     Christlike Actions that Restore and Encourage

Jer 29:7 “Seek the peace and prosperity of the city …. Pray to the Lord for it.




We have been praying for unity as we have witnessed many divisions that are tearing the fabric of our society apart. We have found ourselves being thrust into one category or another, left or right, compassionate or bigot, based on our values and opinions. We have found it difficult to speak and act freely for fear of offending someone or misappropriating someone’s culture or disparaging another’s heritage.

And so we have been praying and God at times answers prayer using some unlikely methods. COVID-19 is being used to help us remember that we are neighbors and fellow citizens not enemies. This virus in an enemy of all and to overcome it, we all need to pull together.

A friend of mine just commented that the largest stimulus package in the history of our nation has just been passed when our elected officials begin to put aside party differences and put people first.

And while there was some initial panic buying and hording resulting in empty shelves and out of stock signs, I am hearing far more stories of people banding together to serve one another and to offer help and prayer.

Take some time and read Philippians chapters 1 and 2. The Apostle Paul reminds us that God began a good work and will finish what he started in us (1:3) and we have insight in to Pal’s prayer life (1:2, 9-11) and that the difficulty he faced actually served to advance the gospel (1:12) and even though he was uncertain about the future, he encourages the believers to be united (2:1-4).

Unity is a miracle of God – he brings people from very different backgrounds together and calls them family – members of one another, a house built by God.

During times of difficulty we are called to remember that we have a lot in common – even with those who may be different.

Continue to pray and seek the peace and prosperity of our community.


Let’s keep in touch …

  • I have established a blog on our website to keep people up to date with announcements and devotionals. Church web site is: maryvalechurch.org


  • Also, from our website you can take a look at Facebook and make your comments to one another


  • Pastors Carla, Deb, and I are making sure each member of the church family is being contacted on a regular basis by phone, text or emails and we encourage you do contact each other as well. 


  • Use these days at home to call each other in the church directory – those that you do know and also even if you do not know someone in the directory, give them a call and introduce yourself – pray one for another.



Pastor Dan


Douglas Leslie